martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

Capturas del tercer trailer de New Moon!!!!!

Bien, les hice algunas capturas del nuevo trailer de New Moon...

Vampires have laws??

You're a human..
Who knows entirely too much about us.

They could kill of all.
You don't belong to my world...
I belong with you...

Chequen el trailer, pero ponganle atencion a Eric&Angela se ven muy tiernos caminando de la mano....

What the hell were you thinking?....xD

Bella, it's Edward, He thinks you're death!

He's going to the Vulturi...

He wants to die, too.

Wait, he didn't want you anymore...

I have to go...

He's gonna make a scene...

I'm scare..

This might hurt just a little...
Atras esta Felix sosteniendo a Alice por el cuello...

Publicado por Karely=)

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Primer Trailer Eclipse

Sneak Peek Eclipse(SUB)

Sneak Peek (Ingles HD)

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